If the sexy fat man gives the kids wine and lets them watch cartoons. I think he is a nice man. Stop saying mean things about the nice man or I will get up, pace around for 30 seconds, and sit back down :-)

Age 36, Female

hand or blow? ;-)



Joined on 5/27/04

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MadCow's News

Posted by MadCow - February 8th, 2012

Awesome redesign. Great site. Looks technological. Sexy. Tremendous. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got, man. Wanna see how freakin' hyperbolic, stylish, terrific and tenacious you can get. Thanks for the masturbation!

JUST KIDDING!!! :-P ;-) :-D

Awful redesign. Gay site. Looks tacky. Stupid. Terrible. Keep us all posted on your continued regress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got, man. Wanna see how freakin' hipster, shitty, tasteless and tawdry you can get. Thanks for the motivation~

my review of this redesign (hint: gay 2/10)


Posted by MadCow - November 21st, 2011

Outside of medicine and the army, favored terrains of simulation, the affair goes back to religion and the simulacrum of divinity: "I forbad any simulacrum in the temples because the divinity that breaths life into nature cannot be represented." Indeed it can. But what becomes of divinity when it reveals itself in icons, when it is multiplied in simulacra? Does it remain the supreme authority, simply incarnated in images as a visible theology? Or is it volatized into simulacra which alone deploy their pomp an power of fascination-the visible machinery of icons being substituted for the pure and intelligible Idea of God? This is precisely what was feared by the Iconoclasts, whose millennial quarrel is still with us today. Their rage to destroy images rose precisely because they sensed this omnipotence of simulacra, this facility they have of effacing God from the consciousness of men, and overwhelming, destructive truth which they suggest: that ultimately there had never been any God, that only the simulacrum exists, indeed that God himself has only ever been his own simulacrum. Had they been able to believe that images only occulted or masked the Platonic Idea of God, there would have been no reason to destroy them. One can live with the idea of a distorted truth. But their metaphysical despair came from the idea that the images concealed nothing at all, and that in fact they were not images, such as the original model would have made them, but actually perfect simulacra forever radiant with their own fascination. But this death of the divine referential has to be exorcised at all cost. It can be seen that the iconoclasts, who are often accused of despising and denying images, were in fact the ones who accorded them their actual worth, unlike the iconolaters, who saw in them only reflections and were content to venerate God at one remove. But the converse can also be said, namely that the iconolaters were the most modern and adventurous minds, since underneath the idea of the apparition of God in the mirror of images, they already enacted his death and his disappearance in the epiphany of his representations (which they perhaps knew no longer represented anything, and that they were purely a game, but that this was precisely the greatest game-knowing also that it is dangerous to unmask images, since they dissimulate the fact that there is nothing behind them).

virtual representations of reality

Posted by MadCow - December 21st, 2010

fffffmy skins to tight
2night i rip it all off :-P ;-) :-X O:-) :-|


Posted by MadCow - May 25th, 2009

I m a hindu religious girl. I don't when i got the habit of masturbation.Now i feeling guilty.?
I have always wear panty while doing it. use pillow to masturbate.I think some white discharge is there when i do this.doesn't know whether pillow became wet or not. I have left this habit when i came to know that it is not good. my problem is now i think if anybody touches those pillow he or she will become impure. similar is the with the things whom i used to touch that time.what to do.I m getting mad. how to solve this issue.I promise not to masturbate again. I cannot wash them all.Please; HELP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. mAY gOD BLESS U ALL

I m a hindu religious girl. I don't when i got the habit of masturbation.

Posted by MadCow - May 10th, 2009

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 14 days. You have 13 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes and 6 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: "about mods because only faggots do that & the mods suck" --- I warned you about "faggot." - Zerok


they just want to silence my radically poetic black nationalist islamic extremist rants!

yo wutup blood?? how come me threads get deleted all der time? even if it is generally well received by the populace, they done get deleted! what a terrible injustice indeed! and the ones that dont get deleted get fagged up by ppl using their ultra1337 internet detective skills to uncover the fact that the thread isnt actual and/or factual and reveal such information in the form of posts like "obvious troll is obvious =/"

do i have to post some EPIC WIN LULZ like "omg chcek out this ms paint of jades huge penis XD" or some shit??? is that really the only joke threads that are allowed these days? all threads about mods are awful dammit! just awful! i dont make threads about mods because only faggots do that & the mods suck. i would probably make the occasional thread if the mods were more interesting and ethnically diverse. however there is no black mods and thats because they are an elitist group of racists that have become the main focus of this forum because kids that don't use the internet are starting to use the internet and truly believe a bunch of lameass 30 yr olds that babysit a website are superior. i am currently contacting the law offices of j.p. sullivan & son to start a classaction suite against such discrimination because this thread will be either locked w/ some retarded message or deleted because they dont want some dumb nig to sully their reps! well this secret police force has kept this particular proud black man down long enough i tell you what! shame on all of you

deleted! just as i predicted! what a bunch of faggots in this observers humble opinion.


Posted by MadCow - March 15th, 2009

After killing her I poured kerosene on her and burnt the corpse. After burning it I put it in. The inside of her mouth was half-cooked and it felt strange. Some heat remained. I came :-)

From the way she talks you'd figure her to be over 20 years old but in fact she's still in junior high. Her tongue skills are still underdeveloped. In the end I didn't even reach orgasm :-(

I met her @ the bar and made her suck it. She said she's 35 but the truth is probably more like 40 or so. Average technique. It doesn't seem as if technique improves with age :'-(

After putting it in I started bashing her head with a hammer. At each hit the vibration was transmitted to my penis. It felt awesome. I came. :-D

I messed around with my older cousin's grade school aged daughter. As expected, ejaculation was impossible. Children under 10 years just don't have any sexual desire. I'm not a pedophile either ;-)

After hooking up at a bar we went to her place where she sucked it. But since she was so drunk she started to throw up. I came anyway :-P

I met her while hitting on girls in front of the train station. Though she's 20 she had not a single real tooth left. The sensation of her bare gums on my penis was so exciting and new that I came immediately :-)

I hit on her in a bar. She had almost no saliva which made my dick hurt and prevented sliding in and out smoothly. Didn't reach orgasm >:-|

I met her while hitting on girls @ the train station. She suffered from Temporomandibular Arthrosis so I had to push it in and pull out with force. Kept it up despite her complaints. But in the end I wasn't able to cum :-/

A co-worker from a pervious job whom I called up and met at a hotel. Because of the emotional stress from another man a few days ago, she bit my penis as soon as I put it in. In the process her mouth became all bloody. I came :-D

I met her through Iida Sanae's introduction. She suffered from stomatitis and these ulcers provided truly intense stimulation. When she complained about the pain I came immediately :-P

Shes my roommate and so we get to eat meals together. When I saw her mouth stuffered with spaghetti I got excited and had to put it in. It was an amusing feeling but she started to choke when I was only halfway to orgasm :-(

We tried it again with noodles and cognac and this time I managed to cum ;-)

We did it with ice in her mouth. As one would expect it was extremely cold. My penis became all red and started to itch. Prolly frostbite :-X

I had been wondering how it'd feel when using something alive. So I decided to give earthworms a try. They are used as bait for fishing and can be easily purchased. In the end I didn't cum. Now my penis has become inflamed. Damn it all!

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/* */


Posted by MadCow - January 28th, 2009

/* */

Posted by MadCow - December 31st, 2008

n****r fucks faggot while a dirty kike watches more at 11

EDIT: THANK YOU FOR JOINING US HERE AT 11. WHEN THE ALLEGED N****R RAPIST WAS QUESTIONED HE HAD THIS TO SAY ABOUT YOU: "man bitch keep my name out chure mouth cause we finna have probl ems if you dont. . i thoug ht off you as my antie now bitch you aint even famil y.
you the one who keeps talki n hella shit bout the famil y and leavi n your kids to get fucke d by the next guy. bitch i dont even claim you as famil y. you on awhol e nothe r level hoe and fa real on every thing i love if this shit dont stop. . best belie ve you and me is finna go at it.i dont give a fuck how old you is or how big you is bitch you aint quick like me n you aint smart like me.
you sayin you on your own level but hoe you aint on mine cause you gotta get off your knees in order to be on my level bitch .
come see me n***a and we' ll settl e this shit off tops on the real.
bitch i aint playi n and nieth er is the rest of the famil y that you left for some money here and some money there .



Posted by MadCow - December 3rd, 2008

Yes, yes, I am getting the PM's from you guys flooding my Inbox demanding more of my Magnificent Musings but I have to get to this first.

It was my birthday. As a proud black woman, my 16th birthday is my passage into manhood. I must stick my penis in a legendary termite mound where a mythical termite known as the ultratermite resides (they are infamous for their furry appearance (which is really just small poisonous pins sticking out all around their body) and their vicious attacks and extremely horrible venom that often causes people to kill themselves before instead of waiting) and leave it there for 3 weeks until without food or water until the termites except me as one of there own, as they will be raising me for the rest of my life. --- ITS NOT MY BIRTHDAY ANYMORE. I AM VERY FUCKING H1

I leave into the forest tomorrow to find the sacred insect collective. I begged and while it is rather unorthodox, my father hap allowed me to bring my laptop. If I don't pass out from the intense pain of the insects entering my urethra and laying all their eggs there, I will try to keep posting.

Been in the wilderness for a couple days now. It's been fuckin crazy man. Cuz before I left I ate a batch of brownies containing drugs and an entire sheet of blotter paper (lsd). I can't even describe what happened because I don't really know. I was in a world of patterns and intense rainbowlike colors. Don't know what to do now though. Guess the first thing I should do is find a bitch to get my dick wet. Weill update you.

Rockets. You, and that Squid, and that Tito, and that Ray, and that Violet (whos dead), and that Merv, and that Breezy, and that Mckenzie, and that Eddie, Prince of the Neatherworld, and that Trish, and that Sherry, and that Oliver, and that Conroy, and that Cleo are going DOWN. WAY UP.

/* */
you also look like someone who only drinks milk ya gross ugly big nose kike weirdo fuckface faggot go eat some plain rice and plain yogurt and a burger with nothing on it, it shud be delish. maybe you'll have a nice refreshing plain milk too, or maybe some water if you're feeling risky :x

An Extremely Important Announcement.

Posted by MadCow - October 6th, 2008

Dear Reader,

Due to extremely popular request, I am going to reprint some popular issues and volumes of my Musings column from the local paper. Enjoy these classics from the past!

The Prolific Muser Known as MadCow


RE: Family Recip

Dear MC,

I could really go for a peanut butter and marshmellow sandwhich right now. I'm going to go make one if we have mashmellow spread. Do you have any way that I can make a really great one though?

DLT, Long Time Reader, First Time Writer!

Dear DLT,

It just so happens my family has a semi-secret Fluffernutter recipe. My mother used to make them for me everyday in my bagged lunch, despite the violent allergic reaction I have when I come in contact with peanuts! I believe the trick is to crush up some pretzels and sprinkle them on. Then add a dash of love on top! :-) Just kidding! Love is not a real ingredient, I'm speaking metaphorically!

Love, Mad MadCow's Musing's

P.S. Thanks a lot for writing in DLT, it really means a lot to me! And I'm sure it means a lot to the readers out there that'll be packing their kids a MadCow Fluffernutter tomorrow morning! I can show you how to make one in person if you'd like. Even if you think you can do it yourself, I think we should still hang out soon bro, it's been forever! If you wanna meet up and have a drink sometime, give me a call, big boy!

****That Fluffernutter recipe was really a big hit! I got tons of fanmail thanking me for sharing it. Here's one of my favorite letters that was ORIGINALLY PRINTED IN ISSUE #392 (me and this reader are actually now great friends in real life, solely because they wrote in!)****

Dear MotherMadCow,

Thanks for your detailed and ( :-) ) funny reply to DLT's letter from issue #379. I can easily relate to what you're talking about and it fills my heart that a fellow family person, such as yourself, gives home to a secret fluffernutter recipe just like my family (nothing really fills my heart[except blood]; I'm just speaking metaphorically like you!). The sandwhich I just made really "hit the spot" ;-). We're going to have to discuss this in person some time and maybe I'll even show you my secret recipe for good weather - L O L; just kidding! :-D. If you want to meet up and have a drink sometime, give me a call, big boy!


RE: RE: It just so hap

Dear SummerTruck30@aol.com,

Thanks for the kind words! It really does my heart good to see that someone appreciates my musings and whatnot! :-) Would you believe it that just the other night, I had a bit of an argument with my son about the usefulness of this? I mean, first he tells me he's a n****rlover like it's all well and good and that he's going to "marry" that black "woman" and then he insults my illustrious newspaper career! Kids these days, am I right? :-P Anyways, with my stressful like, it really does mean a lot when you fans write in. As you may or may not know, I like to usually meet fans face to face to see if we can form a real relationship too. Some people aren't into it, but then once we have a couple appletini's and start discussing the poerty of H.P. Lovecraft (my personal fav (fav means favorite F.Y.I. (For Your Information))), we usually wind up becoming good friends! If you wanna meet up and have a drink sometime, give me a call, big boy!

Love, M.C. Hateship

P.S. Al Nigers Must Dye!

RE: RE: RE: It just...

Dear MotherMadCow,

Ha ha ha, kids these says and their crazy n****r loving! I remember a time not long ago when I could kill a few n****rs and no one would even blink twice - L O L! :-). Have you heard of Govenor Sarah Palin, and Senator John McCain? They both support small town values, so maybe we can finally get this nation back on track to what is right (Slaves [black (slaves) only] and God). Notice I put a capital "G" in God in my last sentence? More people need to respect the lord. I prayed every night that I would find a lovely person that shares my thoughts and guess what - L O L? :-) I found you! You share my love for H.P. Lovecraft just like I asked from Jesus Christ; my lord and saviour. Maybe someday we can meet up and I can show you a thing or two about "love craft"; ha ha ha. :-P. Speaking of which, I'll be clipping coupons tomorrow, but after that if you want to meet up and have a drink sometime, give me a call, big boy!


And wouldn't you know it? Me and SummerTruck30 wound up meeting up and having some unprotected sexual intercourse that very night! We still remain good friends although I haven't seen them since that night.


RE: I am anti-se

Dear Mrs. MadCow

If the sexy fat man gives the kids wine and lets them watch cartoons. I think he is a nice man. Stop saying mean things about the nice man or I will get up, pace around for 30 seconds, and sit back down.

A Ninny Mouse

RE: RE: I am anti-se

Dear A Ninny Mouse,

I completely understand! It seems my lazy editor overlooked that slip-up about your beloved fat man! Just so you know, despite his numerous apologies, I have fired him. MadCow's Musings is a serious newspaper editorial article, and this type of nonsense will not stand. I would love to make this up to you in person. I know how much it hurts to have your hero publicly humiliated like this. If you wanna meet up and have a drink some time, give me a call, big boy.





P.S. If you have the time, watch this video. I wish more Internet Comedians on this website would do more good wholesome Christian Humor like this in their little animated videos.

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