As a sig maker...
...I gotta tell you... that was pretty terrible. I mean, it's a good idea for a game, I suppose, but now some people are going to have, low quality (from the screenshots), boring and inferior sigs!
Many problems with this. Some major problems being:
- Boring fonts that don't really change as you click to look at them
- Low quality background images
- Mediocre renders to choose from
- Crappy, thick borders
- Unimpressive results
Although I guess this won't matter since when the new layout comes, the sig size is supposed to change :/
FOR PEOPLE THAT WANT A REAL, HIGH QUALITY SIG: Simpley Google "Newgrounds Sig Makers"!! and click the first like It will bring you to the designated topic in the BBS, where good sig makers (such as myself) will make you high-quality, custom sigs in programs like Photoshop and Fireworks!